Thursday, January 11, 2018

We Are Not the Ku Klux Klan

Due to news media and entertainment venues like television and movies, many people mistakenly associate Confederate symbols with the Ku Klux Klan.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans is not in any way associated with the Ku Klux Klan, nor do we agree with their views on race.  Generally speaking, neither the Klan nor Neo-Nazis are welcome in the SCV.  If the first thing you think of when viewing a Confederate flag is the Klan, you need to rethink your associations.  The Klan appropriated Confederate, American and Christian symbols for their own use, probably to appeal to these groups for acceptance and support.  The great majority of us who love the Southern Confederacy and its symbols do not support race hatred or violence, and we repudiate those who do.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

About This Blog - Camp 1440, Sons of Confederate Veterans

This blog has been reopened for public view today.  We have new officers, and our new commander is David Pyle.  I, Gary Waltrip, am Adjutant of the camp.

Recent attacks on Southern history have reached new levels of hatefulness and hysteria, and we will deal with these unfounded attacks in good time.  However, it is important for the reader to know the following:

1.  Love of the Southern Confederacy is not based on race hatred or racial prejudice.  Our dedication to our Confederate ancestors and their cause of self-determination is based on love of country.  The Confederate States of America was our country that was taken from us by brute force.  However, the CSA continues to exist in our hearts, and we will vigorously defend its history and reputation.

2.  We do not advocate nor support any efforts to undermine the rights and reputation of any other Americans.  Please do not presume otherwise.  No one has the right to assign hateful or negative attitudes, beliefs and positions to us, so please do not assume that you know what we are all about.

Gary Waltrip, Adjutant