Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Confederates in California" Book Available for Purchase

The California Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans and Other Interested Parties:

I recently published a book titled "Confederates in California" which is the result of about 10 years research. The book contains the names of over 1600 Confederates who are buried in California or who were in California at one time (not all stayed in CA.) The book is in black and white hard bound and about 300 pages. It contains over 450 photos of markers or individuals; service info; date and place of birth and death; some family info; and a few comments related to service or the individual in CA. Price is $50.00 plus $5.00 shipping. I have 8 copies left from the last printing, but will have more printed if needed. I am working with a great printer who will print 1 or more copies as needed. If you need a printer for a book I will be happy to pass on his name and location to you.

Margaret Alley

For more information or to order a book, contact me at this address:

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