Friday, June 17, 2011

Today's Civil War "History" More Revisionism Than Fact

by Mark Behrend

I received a flier recently on the expected media attacks on Confederate heritage, I'd like to briefly share an argument I've found very useful in convincing critics that today's "politically correct" version of "Civil War" history is more revisionism than fact.

Rather than defending the Confederacy directly, I stress that the events of 150 years ago must be seen in the context of their own times, and that the moral failings of the South are more than equalled by the failings and hypocrisy of the North.  To make these points, I simply state 10 facts.  You're probably well aware of all of them, but the average American finds most of them astonishing:

1) Neither secession nor war would have occurred over slavery alone.  As many of Lincoln's pronouncements make clear, the ONLY issue for the Union was union itself.  For the South, slavery was well down a list of grievances that included the National Banking Act, a growing loss of influence in Congress, and the subsequent federal economic and trade policies that increasingly favored Northern industries over Southern agriculture.  In a nutshell, the issue was whether states that freely enter a federation have the right to freely leave it, when it doesn't work out.  As the next three points bear out, the North blundered into war by mistakenly believing slavery was the bigger issue for the South.

2)  During the lull between secession and war, Congress passed a constitutional amendment, guaranteeing the South the right to maintain slavery in perpetuity.  The amendment, of course, was never ratified, due to the outbreak of war.

3)  After hostilities began, Congress made a similarly ignorant attempt to reverse events, with a resolution declaring that the war aims of the North did not include the alteration or abolition of any Southern institution -- obviously meaning slavery.

4)  If the South's main concern was slavery, why did neither of the above end the conflict and restore the Union?

5)  If Lincoln and the Union had gone to war to free the slaves, it would have had a hard time explaining why it financed the war partly from the proceeds of real estate worked by slaves, and why officers from slave states were allowed to bring up to 3 slaves onto Union military posts as personal servants.  

6)  Slavery was a pivotal issue for no more than 4 states (Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina), and arguably for only the first two.  Four others (Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas) only seceded AFTER the outbreak of hostilities, and then only to keep their sons from being forced to fight fellow Southerners.  Since Virginia would bear the war's greatest costs (a geographical certainty its leaders were aware of from the beginning), this clearly demonstrates that the intangible of "Southern identity" was of infinitely greater concern to the South than slavery.

7)  American attitudes and policies on race in 1860 bore no resemblance to today's, and differed widely across both North and South.  For example, Lincoln openly expressed doubts that blacks and whites could ever live together amicably...  During the war, New Yorkers rioted against conscription, targeting blacks...  A third of blacks in Louisiana were already free before the war, with a thriving black professional and artistic class in New Orleans -- a cultural treasure that was destroyed by war and Reconstruction...  In neighboring Arkansas, on the other hand, it was not legallly possible to be black and free...  A generation before the war, a bill to abolish slavery in Virginia came within 3 votes of becoming law...  At least 7 Union states (Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, New Jersey, Illinois, and Indiana) had deeply divided loyalties during the war, with the first 5 of them still practicing slavery until AFTER the war...  One of the biggest slaveholding families in the country, North or South, was a black family in New Orleans, which owned 500 slaves.

8)  Blacks fought for both the Union AND the Confederacy.  Though their numbers were far greater in the Union Army, they were paid at only half the rate of white troops.  Blacks and whites in the Confederate forces, however, were paid equally.

9)  Both North and South had a policy of taking no black prisoners on their own soil.  Both sides summarily executed black soldiers caught on their territory.

10)  Though our schools treat the Emancipation Proclamation as if it were Lincoln's intent from the beginning, he sat on it until well after the midpoint of the war.  It was finally issued at the insistence of U.S. Grant, who believed it would remotivate an army and a nation that were losing their will to fight.  And, in the ultimate act of hypocrisy, it applied only to Southern states.  Apparently, slavery was a moral abomination in the South, but not the North.     

As for celebrating our Confederate heritage, I cite 4 points ALL Americans should be proud of:  We had the first ironclad warship, the first submarine, the first use of aircraft in wartime, and some of the finest military commanders in American history -- my favorites being Forrest, Stuart, Stonewall Jackson, Longstreet, and Lee (in that order!). 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery
Sculpted by Moses J. Ezekiel
Confederate Memorial, Arlington Cemetery

Dedicated 1914; Sculpture by Sir Moses Ezekiel, former Sergeant of Cadets, Virginia Military Institute, who is himself buried at the base of this monument.


See also jameswebb.comSpeech at the Confederate Memorial, 1990.

Moses J. Ezekiel was one of the VMI cadets who were called into action to plug a hole in the Confederate center at the Battle of New Market, and to repulse a Union Army advance.  Though young (17 to 21 years of age) and untested in battle, the VMI cadets prevailed, charging the Union cannon and sending the Yankees into retreat.  Ten of the cadets were killed outright or later died of wounds from the battle; fifty-seven were wounded.  Although Ezekiel later became a world-renowned sculptor, he chose to be identified on his tombstone simply as:
Sgt. Moses J. Ezekiel

Moses J. Ezekiel
Sergeant of Company C
Battalion of Cadets
of the
Virginia Military Institute

Ezekiel once wrote: "The VMI, where every stone and blade of grass is dear to me, and the name of the cadet of the VMI, the proudest and most honored title I can ever possess."

A detailed description of his life and works can be found here.

Virginia never had a finer son.  May he rest in peace.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Myth of Abraham Lincoln: Should Confederate Descendants Celebrate It?

Compatriot Greg Clemmer has written that Mr. Lincoln's birthday is celebrated by a number of historical organizations, including one that is Confederate.  Mr. Clemmer suggests that some of us may want to show up at the Lincoln Memorial to take part in such an occasion.

I speak only for myself, but I say, count me out.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Old Confederate Vets Display Battle Flag: Can You Identify the Flag?

We received this photograph of two old Confederate veterans holding a battle flag. Can you identify the flag as to regiment?

Note that the vet on the left appears to be wearing a cavalry jacket (see examples here). This jacket resembles those worn by the First Virginia Cavalry (see illustration). However, the flag in the photo is clearly labeled "Georgia."

Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 4:05 PM
Subject: olde Confederate veterans and flag

All y'all,

I found this image on Facebook from my friend across the water, Tomasz Chylinski, of Poland.

So the question is, has anyone ever seen a flag like this? Note the crest with "G5" written in it. If so, what can be said about it? Also, note the apparent age of the two men and their slim physique and upright posture, compared to the modern American veterans. My guess as to where they are would be one of the early Gettysburg reunions. Were other battlefield reunions regularly held?  I seem to recall there were only two Gettysburg reunions of note, the 50th and the 75th.

Mainly, I wanted to share this image with my Southern brethern.

Jimmy L. Shirley Jr.
SCV Camp 1599
James Patton Anderson
West Palm Beach, Fla.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gregg Clemmer Responds to Northern Apologist James Loewen

After reading recent posts across the South and Midwest, some of you will find this latest Examiner article rather timely. This is a direct response to the provocative, agenda driven James Loewen, local Washington, D.C. author of Lies Across America, Lies My Teacher Told Me, The Truth About Columbus, and Social Science in the Classroom.

Thanks for passing it along to your readers...and any others you feel moved to share it with.

Individuals can also subscribe to get these articles when they are published. It's Free! Just click on the Subscribe button at the top of the article.

Gregg Clemmer

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

California Monuments to Confederates: Guidance Requested from Vern Padgett

Gents, Steve Smith has asked me to coordinate an examination of division funding for heritage projects. 
Our division has funds available which could fund these projects.

In discussions over the past year or two, the consensus seems to be that we should donate to the SCV Museum Fund at Elmwood, and place the rest into California heritage, with grave marking a priority.

Some of you have already invested many of your camp dollars into lasting monuments to Confederate Heritage. I’m thinking of the Confederate Monument at Santa Ana/Fairhaven Cemetery, provided by Camp 1770 Orange County , the work done by our Sacramento Camp 1627 in Colma and elsewhere, and the Fresno Camp 1804 effort towards the placing of lasting stone monuments.

My camp, 1208 Los Angeles , has ordered a composite Iron Cross, which I should receive today, from Gaffney , South Carolina , where they are manufactured. These are made from the same material as bowling balls, and thus require no painting over the years, and retain their appearance indefinitely, or so says Robert Little, adjutant of the Gaffney SC Camp, whose camp has placed 35 of them. They cost $25 each, plus shipping. I will bring one to the Reunion at Miramar in March. I propose that division fund the purchase of any number of these for our 12 California Camps to place.

At our last Division Reunion, in Lebec, Chuck Norred described stone monuments in place in Arizona , and suggested that they should be placed from one end of California to the other.

I call on Farrell Cooley, Chuck Norred and Lou Olker in particular to provide guidance, as their camps have already placed stone monuments honoring our Confederate heroes.


Vern Padgett

Former SCV Historian-in-Chief Rebuts E.J. Dionne, Seeks Member Advice

Good afternoon~
Ben Sewell, the SCV executive director at Elm Springs, suggested I contact you. As an author and historian, I have been somewhat perplexed that little attention seems to be focused on commemorating the civil war sesquicentennial.

Desiring to expand the public’s awareness on the war and its causes, tactics, consequences, etc., I recently approached the folks at with a few ideas. They seized on my proposal and welcomed me into their fold.
I am not agenda driven and definitely have a free hand in what I will explore, research, and post, but I do mean to get out to the readers a thorough telling of the times. That's already rankled a few up here in the local Washington, DC area. But that's the idea!

My latest post, in taking on the Washington Post's D. J. Dionne's inaccuracies, has brought some interesting email in the last several days. Folks are noticing. Click or copy/paste the following if you wish to read a bit more!

That said, I'm wondering how I might get this and future posts out to the broader SCV audience.  When I posed this to Ben, he suggested I contact all SCV Division commanders. I already mail the latest link to about 230 recipients in and around Maryland. A second, much smaller group in Kentucky receives the link also. Anyone can subscribe (it's free). If you have a division mailing list, perhaps we could link.
I would value your thoughts and suggestions.

All the best,
Gregg Clemmer
SCV Historian-in-Chief, 1998-2000

22 Native Dancer Ct
North Potomac, MD 20878

Valor in Gray: The Recipients of the Confederate Medal of Honor

Old Alleghany: The Life and Wars of General Ed Johnson
 (winner of the 2005 Douglas Southall Freeman Book Prize)

A Note from Bonnie Blue Publishing


If we don't argue our history well for the next fifteen years as we commemorate the Sesquicentennial of our War for Independence, and the Reconstruction decade afterward, here is how our Confederate ancestors will be recorded in history:

"The fact was that these folks were the terrorists and traitors of their day."

That quotation was in the Charleston, South Carolina Post and Courier November 1, 2010, just three days ago, in an article titled "The Boycott," and it was spoken by NAACP Vice President, Nelson B. Rivers, III.

WE were correct in that conflict from start to finish, and Mr. Rivers is dead wrong.

The most powerful arguments are ours. We are the heirs of the Founding Fathers. Our ancestors fought for the principles of the Founding Fathers. We can not allow NAACP fraud to triumph.

On there are numerous DVDs and DVD collections on Southern History from some of the finest scholars in the country such as Dr. Clyde Wilson. I have a three-DVD set, The War Between the States and Reconstruction, by Dr. Wilson, that is second to none. It is powerful and full of irrefutable fact and argument. It is thoroughly enjoyable and when you finish watching, you will be loaded for bear.

Get the three-DVD set, The War Between the States and Reconstruction, and receive, free, as a Christmas Special, the two-DVD set, Mixed Up with All the Rebel Horde, Why Black Southerners Fought for the South in the War Between the States, by Professor Edward C. Smith. Professor Smith gives one of the most dynamic talks on any topic you will ever hear. You will rave about his talk.

These DVDs are perfect for camp, unit and chapter meetings, and they are excellent Christmas gifts or donations to libraries and schools.

The Sesquicentennial is here, now, and will be going on for a long time. Do not look for NAACP ignorance and hate to go away.

We need to prepare, and fight this fight from the beginning to the end.

Magna est veritas et praevalebit!
(Great is truth and it will prevail!)

Gene Kizer
P.O. Box 13012
Charleston, South Carolina 29422-3012