Friday, December 3, 2010

History Channel Discrimination Against Sons of Confederate Veterans

Georgia Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Dec. 3, 2010

SCV logo

Friends & Members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans,

As many of you have already heard by now, the 60-second history segments commemorating the Sesqicentennial of the War which have been produced for the Georgia Division of the SCV have been pulled from the air by the History Channel in Georgia.  This decision was made by Nancy R. Alpert, one of the many vice-presidents at A&E Television Networks, the parent company of the History Channel.  You can read her reasons in the press release sent out by the Georgia Division HERE.

The Georgia Division is still running the segments on three other national network channels in Georgia, in addition to the other radio and television stations involved in the statewide campaign, as part of the commemoration of the Sesquicentennial.  None of the other networks or stations have expressed any concern at all, and many have commented on the quality of content and presentation of the segments.  Many of the 60-second segments may be viewed on the Georgia Division website at
Since our press release was sent out several days ago, we have been inundated by members and friends of the SCV who are interested in taking action.  As we have seen in other instances, if we allow this anti-Southern discrimination to go unchecked without response, it will only encourage others to do the same.

What we need you to do:

1. Forward this email to every individual and list that you know.

2. Make two phone calls every day, from now until we send out a call to stop; it will take five minutes or less.  If this is unsuccessful, we may send contact information for advertisers at the History Channel so that you can ask them to cancel their advertising; but please do not do that at this point.

    * Call Mr. Berning, vice-president of national sales at A&E by dialing
        212-210-1400, select prompt "1" then enter 2376464 #, then # again.

    When you reach the secretary, please say something similar to the following (we recommend using your own words):  "Hi, my name is ___ ; and I would like to file a complaint with Mr. Berning.  I would like to protest A&E and the History Channel's decision to pull the history segments paid for by the Sons of Confederate Veterans in Atlanta which commemorate the Southern veterans who died in the War Between the States.  It is discrimination against Southerners.  I would like to ask for the reinstatement of the segments and the removal of Nancy Alpert who made the decision."

    If the secretary attempts to transfer you, it is our recommendation that you insist on finishing your statement to her and ask her to convey the message to Mr. Berning since he is in charge of sales for A&E.

    * Call A&E's Atlanta sales office using the same script, minus Mr. Berning's name. The direct number is 404.816.8880.

3. If you are not already receiving the press releases from us, please sign up to receive them so that we will be able to keep you up to date on the progress of this issue and the Sesquicentennial.  Click HERE to receive the press releases and updates.  

With your help, we can make a signficant impact for the cause of our Southern heritage!


Ray McBerry
PR Officer, Georgia Division
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Ray McBerry Enterprises is the public relations firm for the Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans. 

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