Following the War for Southern Independence, many surviving Southern soldiers joined to form a veteran's organization named the United Confederate Veterans (UCV). The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV), formed in Richmond, Virginia in 1896, is the one and only heir to this legacy.The Inland Empire SCV Camp 1742 is based in Redlands, California. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the memory and heritage of the Confederacy and our Confederate ancestors through memorial, historical, and educational activities.
Being part of the SCV, we reject any person or group whose actions tarnish or bring dishonor upon the Confederate soldier and/or his reason for fighting. This particularly applies to those groups and persons using our cherished flag as a symbol for their own dishonorable purposes. The members of Camp 1742 thank you for visiting us. We're sure you will find much useful and interesting information on these pages. If you are a male aged 12 or over with Confederate ancestry, we encourage you to consider membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans. If you are unsure of your lineage, please feel free to use our resources to help. Confederate Ancestor Research Guide
For information on Camp 1742 please email Commander - Steve Madden or Adjutant - Billy Williams
For questions or comments about this website please emailSignals Officer - Mike Climo
See Camp's website here.
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