Sunday, June 22, 2008

General John Bell Hood, Camp 1208 - Los Angeles

"THE SOUTH NEEDS ALL ITS SONS!" If you live in the greater Los Angeles area, including the high desert, please consider joining us. If you have direct or collateral ancestry to a Confederate Veteran, you qualify for membership. We promote the Confederate Veteran, and we promote true Confederate history.

John B. Hood has been the "Mother Camp" on the West Coast since 1951. Our camp has many activities all over Los Angeles county, including Confederate seminar luncheons, and Confederate Memorial Day services at Hollywood Cemetery each April.

We carry the Colors at the Los Angeles National Cemetery on National Memorial Day; we have joint functions with the United Daughters of the Confederacy, such as the Lee/Jackson/Maury luncheon in January; we provide memorial dedications for Confederate Veterans buried in the area, including complete bibliographies of the Veteran; we meet at Fort Tejon each August, and we have many more events supporting Confederate heritage. YOU ALL COME JOIN US!


We meet all over Los Angeles County and sometimes out of it. Please email the Camp Commander or Adjutant (see links in the left sidebar).

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