Saturday, June 28, 2008

Reporter for Fox News Thankful For History Lesson

From Southern Heritage News & Views (Charles Demastus [])

I'm Orlando Salinas the reporter who did the *soldiers flag* story for fox news

Thanx for the kind words! I must admit I was one of those folks that was ready to call that *battle flag* a racist symbol

I had my opinion made up and then I did something incredible... I actually listened to some one who knew more than me!

... And I learned some history that I was ignorant about! Go figure!

I'm more curious than ever to know more about southern heritage and real history... That is both proud and honourable and at the same time... A history that is almost forgotten!

I am taking somewhat of a beating for this story... Most of the *bosses* In new York felt I had the story *wrong* and there was some pressure to change it but I said no... That’s the story...

To fnc's credit they backed off and let my story air...

Still I'm taking a bit of a beating by some colleagues who say I'm flat wrong!!!

If u think I really did a fair job pls email my bosses in NY At

Just don't tell em I gave that addy to u!!

And pass that addy onto others who also believe the story was fair and have them email my bosses too!! I hope fnc and other media outlets realize there's a whole history out there that's not being told... And to me that is a dishonourable thing to do to our country and to the many ancestors that fought and died on both sides...


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